Paper Reviews
All students should read the assigned papers prior to each lecture and submit a short review of one of them by email to  Please submit reviews in plain text in the body of the email (no attachments)!  The anonymized reviews will be made available online.  A review should address the following questions:
  1. What is the main contribution of the paper?
  2. What is the quality of the presentation?
  3. What are the strengths of the paper?
  4. What are the weaknesses?
  5. What assumptions are the authors making?  Are these reasonable?
  6. What is some possible future work?
Presentation Reviews
Being able to organize and present a good research talk is an important skill for any researcher, and students should train during graduate school.  Feedback is essential for this training.  Therefore, after each presentation, all students are required to submit a review form for the talk to the email address given above.  Again, please submit the form in plain text in the body of the email (no attachments)!  The instructor will forward anonymized reviews to the presenter.