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Array Manager Command Line Interface

Dell OpenManage™ Array Manager 3.4

  amcli Command

  amconsole Command

Array Manager provides the following commands for initiating management functions from the command line:

amcli Command

Using the Array Manager amcli command, you can initiate a battery recondition and consistency check from a command prompt. You can also check the status of controller batteries and consistency check operations.

Scheduling amcli Commands

You can use the Windows Task Scheduler or Add Scheduled Tasks wizard to automatically initiate the amcli commands. For example, you may want to schedule regular consistency checks or battery reconditions. When using the Task Scheduler or Add Scheduled Tasks wizard, you need to specify the path to the amcli executable. The amcli executable is located in the Array Manager installation directory, and the file name is amcli.exe.

When specifying the path name to the amcli executable, you may need to use quotation marks around the path name. The parameters for the amcli command should follow the path name and not be included in the quotation marks. The following is example syntax for scheduling a check consistency on virtual disk 1.

"C:\PathName\amcli.exe" /c1

where PathName is the path to the amcli executable.

amcli Command Options

To view the amcli command options, display the amcli help information by entering the following at a command prompt:

amcli /?

The amcli command options are as follows:

amcli Command Options


amcli /?

Displays the amcli help.

amcli /da

where the "d" option indicates "display" and the "a" option indicates "adapter."

Displays the status of the system controllers (adapters). The possible status values are:

  • None — The controller does not have a battery.

  • Ready — The battery is functioning normally and can be recharged.

  • Charging — The battery is recharging.

  • Auto — The battery is a self-charging battery. A battery recharge does not need to be initiated for this type of battery.

  • Degraded — The battery charge is too low. Initiate a recharge immediately.

  • Low — The battery charge is low. Initiate a recharge soon.

  • Failed — The battery needs to be replaced.

amcli /dv

where the "d" option indicates "display" and the "v" option indicates "virtual disk."

Displays the status of the virtual disks. The possible status values are:

  • Ready — The virtual disk is operational.

  • Not Ready — The virtual disk is not operational. For example, the virtual disk may have a SMART alert or one if its member array disks may have been removed.

  • Resynching — A consistency check is being performed on the virtual disk.

  • Failed Redundancy — An operation to create a redundant RAID level on the virtual disk has failed. This status only applies to virtual disks on the following controllers: PERC 2, 2/Si, 3/Si, and 3/Di.

amcli /cn

where the "c" option indicates "consistency check" and "n" is the number of a virtual disk as displayed in the Array Manager tree view.

Initiates a check consistency of the specified virtual disk.

Unlike the Array Manager GUI (tree view), the amcli command numbers virtual disks starting at 1 and not 0. This means that virtual disk 0 in the tree view would be specified as amcli /c1. Virtual disk 1 in the tree view would be specified as amcli /c2, and so on.

amcli /an

where the "a" option indicates "abort" and "n" is the number of a virtual disk as displayed in the Array Manager tree view.

Stops a check consistency operation that is already in progress for the specified virtual disk.

Unlike the Array Manager GUI (tree view), the amcli command numbers virtual disks starting at 1 and not 0. This means that virtual disk 0 in the tree view would be specified as amcli /a1. Virtual disk 1 in the tree view would be specified as amcli /a2, and so on.

amcli /rn

where the "r" option indicates "recondition" and "n" is the number of the controller as displayed in the Array Manager tree view.

Initiates a battery recondition for the specified controller.

amcli /l <PathName>

where the "l" option indicates "log file" and <PathName> is the path and file name you specify for the log file.

Saves configuration information to the log file that you specify. If you do not specify a path or a file name, then the log file resides in the current directory and is named Amconfig.txt. When specifying a path, be sure to include the file name.

amconsole Command

The amconsole command launches Array Manager on a Windows system. This section provides the amconsole command's syntax along with its parameters. This section is provided for reference purposes. Other sections provide specific uses of the amconsole command and appropriate syntax examples. You may wish to refer to one of these sections:

To launch Array Manager on the local system, you can simply enter:


without including any of the amconsole command parameters.

The amconsole command syntax and parameters are as follows:

amconsole $computer:"ComputerName" user:"UserName" password:"Password" domain:"DomainName" device:"ControllerName"


The amconsole command and its parameters should be entered on a single line without a line break. Elements of the controller name should be separated by a space. When using spaces, enclose the item containing spaces in quotation marks. For example, to start Array Manager with a PERC 2 /Si controller selected in the tree view, enter:

amconsole $device:"perc 2/si controller 0" user:UserName password:Password

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