
My interest in teaching are part of what has motivated me to pursue a graduate degree. All the opportunities during my career have made me an enthusiastic and resourceful teacher. My teaching statement and dossier provide more information regarding my teaching abilities and interests.

Teaching Statement(PDF) / Teaching Dossier(PDF), revised on April 14, 2013.

Teaching Experience

  • Completion of Certificate in University Teaching (CUT), granted by the Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo. (Dec 2009)

  • Invited Lecturer, ECE725/CS745 (Computer Aided Verification), University of Waterloo. Graduate lecture on: ``SMV: Symbolic Model Verifier''. Introduced key concepts; Explained multiple examples. (Oct 2009)

  • Co-supervisor for Richard Fanson, University of Waterloo. Guided the creation of automotive features designed in Stateflow and the first version of a tool to translate models in Stateflow into the SMV language; Lead in the acquisition of problem solving skills. (May 2007 - Dec 2007)

  • Teaching Assistant, CS246 (Software Abstraction and Specification), University of Waterloo. Revised course material; Marked assignments and exams. (May 2006 - Aug 2006)

  • Invited Lecturer, ECE725/CS745 (Computer Aided Verification), University of Waterloo. Lecture on advanced topic: ``Compositional Reasoning Methods''; Created lecture notes; Explained detailed material; Introduced multiple examples. (Mar 2006)

  • Teaching Assistant, CS245 (Logic and Computation), University of Waterloo. Presented tutorials; Revised course material; Marked assignments and exams. (Jan 2006 - Apr 2006)

  • Teaching Assistant, CS445/ECE451 (Software Requirements and Specification), University of Waterloo. Guided group projects (acting as a customer); Lead walkthroughs for projects; Revised and corrected material; Marked exams and group projects. (Sep 2005 - Dec 2005)

  • Teaching Assistant, CS251 (Digital Design), University of Waterloo. Revised course material; Marked assignments and exams. (May 2005 - Aug 2005)

  • Invited Lecturer, CS745 (Computer Aided Verification), University of Waterloo. Lecture on advanced topic: ``Protocol Correctness Criteria''; Created lecture notes; Explained concepts and examples. (Dec 2004)

  • Co-supervisor for Wenceslas Godard, University of Waterloo. Guided the creation of telephony features, used in the identification of correctness criteria for the Distributed Feature Composition (DFC) architecture, developed by Jackson and Zave at AT\&T. (May 2004 - Aug 2004)

  • Teaching Assistant, CS245 (Logic and Computation), University of Waterloo. Revised course material; Marked assignments and exams. (Sep 2003 - Dec 2003)

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