CS 200

CS 200 is a computer science course designed for non-CS students. CS 100 is a course students can take for more context, but it is not required.

This Twiki info has been added in the Spring 2023 term. At the very end of this page (& the attachments) show content from 2008 that may be outdated.

Barbara Daly is the course instructor and the ISC for CS 200. The terms will be used interchangeably on this page.

External Websites & Software

Find the website here: https://student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~cs200/

We used Visual Studio Code or BBEdit to edit the website above (See Table).

See the following table for the software we used (Download the most recent version if possible):

Unit Software Location/Link

Word Processing


Microsoft Word Self Service in the provided Macbook
Pixel Graphics GIMP https://www.gimp.org/downloads/
Geometric Graphics InkScape https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-1.3/
The Web & HTML & CSS

Visual Studio Code


BBEdit (For Mac)


NotePad ++ (For Windows)




Excel Macros Microsoft Excel Self Service in the provided Macbook

(Macs) Terminal

(Windows) Go to <a href="https://www.sqlite.org/download.html" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" title="https://www.sqlite.org/download.html">https://www.sqlite.org/download.html</a> and download the version under“Precompiled Binaries for Windows” labeled sqlite-tools-win32-x86-3320300.zip. (This could be outdated, the number might be different)

  1. Unzip and run sqlite3.exe.

(Used for marking--see below)

Advanced Databases - FileMaker

FileMaker Scripting

FileMaker Pro Self Service in the provided Macbook
Regular Expressions N/A Software is not needed but https://regexr.com/ is a useful website


Currently, we use the LEARN dropbox to open assignment and quiz submissions.

If you do not have access to LEARN, ask your instructor to enroll you as a Level 4 TA. This will give you access.

Dropboxes (optional reading for this course)

Additional resources:



The 'new assignment create/edit experience' is on by default. You may want to turn it off and use the older version to categorize the dropbox under a different category (Labs, Assignments, Final Project, etc.).

To create dropboxes: Submit > Dropbox > New Dropbox

Marking that occurs in the dropbox should be linked to the Grades section. When filling out a dropbox, the Score Out of box should match the Maximum Points in the Grades section.

To edit sections: There is an arrow pointing down beside the name of each dropbox, click on it and press 'Edit Folder'

Besides the 'Score Out Of' box should be a box to link the dropbox to the Grades section. Click on the down arrow > Choose from Grades > Link to an existing grade item. All the options there should be the existing sections from Grades.

The Availability Dates & Conditions section can be used to give 'Special Access' to students. This feature is used for reopening their dropbox after the due date. Search and select the student's name first before filling out the new due date. Filling in the dates first will reset after you search for a name!

Marking Assignments

Marking Groups

In Spring 2023, we had 2 ISAs and 2 part-time ISAs. The part-time ISAs have helped with the course before and are very useful resources!

Our marking is done on FileMaker. Barb (the ISC) will give you access and show you how to navigate it (it's very straightforward don't worry)!

Make marking groups for the first assignment and then they will remain the same for the rest of the term. Each marker rotates through the groups with each new assignment.

Marking Meetings

Reach out to the part-time ISAs and find a time that works for all of you.

The course instructor provides marking schemes. Sometimes they might be outdated. You can use the marking meetings as time to ask questions to the part-time ISAs and clairfy. You can also test mark an assignment together so everyone is on the same page on how to handle certain cases.

Marking Submissions

Students are asked to submit .zip folders of their assignments to the Dropbox on LEARN. Markers can then download and open them.

Marking is done on FileMaker. Some ways we found useful to filter through the students was:

  • Typing the student name in the top right corner search bar (if 2 students have the same name, click on the arrows on the top left corner which will go through the found records)
  • You can easily search for your own marking group by clicking the Find button on the top and then entering your own name into the "Marker" box and then clicking "Perform Find"

Final Project Marking

Tell students that we mark based on the video they submit and that the video should be around 5 minutes in length. Make sure they cover every point asked on the assignment PDF.

We usually do not mark based on the video but it helps them make sure they do everything that's asked. The video can be longer too but it's likely not needed.

Midterm and Final Marking

Do not put answers in the comments in case they have to retake the course. Be vague like "not quite right" or "more explanation needed".

Plagiarism Cases

Please ask the ISC about the standard procedure.

Late Days

Please check the syllabus/website for standard procedure.

For example, in Spring 2023, we gave students 5 late days and our assignments were due at 5:00 PM on Fridays:

They had until 11:59 PM on Saturday for it to count as 1 late day

And they had until 11:59 PM on Sunday for it to count as 2 late days.

If a student emails you asking to submit their assignment after the due date, ask the course instructor if you can still accept it.


Please ask the course Instructor about the standard procedure.

In Spring 2023, students had to fill out a survey. If this is the case for future assignments, make sure the survey is released at the same time the grades are (and you can set a survey/quiz to open at a specific time). If a student emails and asks for a remark, redirect them to the survey.

Microsoft Teams

We use MS Teams as a primary way to communicate with students. The course instructor posted participation questions here as well.

There are separate channels that can organize a topic. For example, a General channel where announcements are posted, a Questions and Answers channel where students can post quick questions or an Office Hours channel where you host online Office hours.

We conducted Marking Meetings on this platform. There was a channel called Marking for this. At the top of the channel, besides the channel name, are two sections called Posts and Files (every channel has these). Under Posts is where you can make posts, announcements, and discussions. Under Files, any external media uploaded to the channel gets stored there.

If you want to restrict who can post messages (owners, students, or both) hover your mouse over the channel name, click on the three horizontal dots then Manage channel with the gear icon.

Lab Tutorials

Spring 2023: We used MC 3005 and MC 3027 as our lab tutorial spaces. You can print out signs to post on the doors to indicate that a lab is ongoing so people not in the class don't enter.

This was allotted time twice a week for students to ask questions while working on assignments.

If you get a lab tutorial room with projectors and want to use them, ask your ISC or CSCF on how to set it up, the code may change term to term.

The two ISAs can answer questions:

  • Students could raise their hands or come over to one of us for help.
  • In case attendance is larger and multiple students are waiting, a common method used during tutorials or office hours is to have students write their names on a whiteboard/chalkboard and in a list. Cross out/erase the name when done and call out the name of whoever is next.
Expect the days that the Assignments are due to be busier!!

The following section is a manual from 2008! It's outdated!!

Lab Instructor Manual

The following attachment is a document which describes many useful tasks that a CS200 Lab Instructor (Tutor) may want to complete.

  • Smile!:
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc LabInstructorGuide.doc r1 manage 404.0 K 2009-08-20 - 14:47 GrootNibbelinkAlisha  
JPEGjpg smiley.jpg r1 manage 18.3 K 2009-08-20 - 11:25 PeterBeshai Smile!
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Topic revision: r4 - 2023-08-17 - JenniferPhovixay
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