Taskgroup Membership

Mail can be sent to a task group via an address of the form:


The group names below can be used to send mail, and/or determine appropriate mail addresses.

Existing task groups (* indicates current leader) are

Task Group Task Group email Twiki Home Page Members
Accounts (See Also IAAA) tg-accounts@cscf Accounts Task Group Adrian, Lawrence
Applications tg-applications@cscf Applications Task Group MikeG, Phil, Stephen
Backups tg-backups@cscf Backups Task Group Guoxiang
Cluster Computing tg-clusters@cscf Cluster Computing Group Ed, Lawrence
Database Administration tg-dba@cscf Database Task Group Adrian, Daniel, Fraser, Isaac, Omar
Identification, Authentication, Authorization, and Accounts tg-iaaa@cscf Identification Authentication Authorization Accounts Adrian, Clayton, Dave, Lawrence, Trevor
Inventory Control tg-inventory@cscf Inventory Task Group Daniel*, Isaac
Linux tg-linux@cscf CS Linux Working Group Dave, Fraser, Guoxiang, MikeG, Phil, Ronaldo, Stephen, Trevor
Mac OS tg-macos@cscf Mac Task Group Clayton, Ed, Gord, Phil, Stephen
Networking tg-networks@cscf Networking Dan, Dave, Trevor
Printing tg-printing@cscf Printing Task Group Fraser*, Gordon, Lawrence
Problem Reporting/Tracking tg-reporting@cscf ReportingTask Group Daniel, Fraser, Isaac, Robyn
Security tg-security@cscf Security Task Group MikeG, Ronaldo
Thin Clients tg-thin@cscf Thin Client TaskG roup Anthony, Clayton*, Dave
Web Space tg-www@cscf Web Task Group Adrian, Isaac, Stephen
Windows tg-windows@cscf Windows Task Group Clayton*, Lawrence, MikeG*, Naji, Phil, Ronaldo, Stephen

For other areas, the Who Does What list may prove helpful.

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Topic revision: r23 - 2015-10-19 - BillInce
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