CS 497 (Fall 2007) - Frontiers in Computer Science ---------------------------------------------------- Instructor: Urs Hengartner The two questions in this assignment are open-ended. So is research ;) Please do not spend more than one hour on this assignment. You can submit your solution to the dropbox or email it to uhengart+cs497@cs.uwaterloo.ca. Attachments are OK. 1) Pick a software application that has a security/privacy interface and comment on the usability of this interface. Take into account that typical computer users know little about security, maybe not even that there is a need for security. Some candidate interfaces are: - Privacy settings in a social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, MySpace) - Security settings for a WiFi router - Security settings in your Email program - Toolbar protecting against Phishing attacks The interface must be different from the two interfaces that I presented in the usability section of the class. Please include screenshot(s) of the interface in your solution. 2) Pick two location-based services/applications and discuss how to incorporate privacy-enhancing technologies into them. You can exploit technologies discussed in class or come up with your own. You can use a centralized location broker or a distributed architecture. Point out the advantages and disadvantages of your solution.