Tian Kou

Lecturer, Administrator, and Software Engineer Happily semi-retired!

David R. Cheriton School of ComputerScience
Faculty of Mathematics

University of Waterloo

Recent Teaching

·       In 2016 Fall, I am teaching CS430 Applications Software Engineering.

·       In 2016 Winter, I taught CS116 Introduction to Computer Science 2.

·       In 2015 Fall, I taught CS430 Applications Software Engineering.

·       In 2015 Winter, I taught CS116 Introduction to Computer Science 2.

Administrative Activities

·       Program Manager of CFM (Computing and Financial Managament Program)

·       Women In Computer Science Committee

·       Computer Science Student Graduate/Undergraduate Recruitment

o   Brochure for Chinese students interested in undergraduate Computer Science at the University of Waterloo

o   Presentation for undergraduate students interested in Computer Science at the University of Waterloo

·       Computer Science Outreach

·       Software Engineering program accreditation

Past Teaching

·       CS 430 - Applications Software Engineering

·       CS 116 - Introduction to Computer Science 2

·       CS 115 - Introduction to Computer Science 1

·       CS 134 (2 times) - Principles of Computer Science

·       CS 123 - Developing Programming Principles

·       CS 124 - Data Structures and Algorithms

·       CS 132 - Developing Programming Principles

·       CS 473/571 - Software Requirements Analysis and Specification (University of Western Ontario)

o   Developed as a new course and taught.

·       CS 026 (3 times) - Computer Science Fundamentals (University of Western Ontario)

·       CS 335 (2 times) - Software Engineering (University of Manitoba)

·       CS 317 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (University of Manitoba)


My area of research is Software Engineering, with specific interests in requirements analysis and specification, and evolution of legacy software.



·       Bachelor of Computer Science (UBC)

·       Masters of Computer Science (UBC)

·       Ph.D. in Computer Science (UWO - in progress)


·       Program Manager, Computing and Financial Management, University of Waterloo

·       Recruitment Manager, Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

·       Lecturer, Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo

·       Lecturer, University of Western Ontario (2000-2001)

·       Lecturer, University of Manitoba (1995-1996)

·       Software Analyst, Manitoba Telelphone System (1994 - 1995)

·       Member of Scientific Staff, Bell Northern Research / Nortel (1987 - 1994)

Contact Information

Tian Kou


David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics
University Of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1



