#lang racket ;; Starter code for A6Q5 ;; May contain Unicode characters - download, don't cut/paste from browser ;; You must replace the ? with correct proof terms. (provide not-exists-all-not answer1 exists-not-not-all answer2 not-pointwise-not-equal answer3) (define not-exists-all-not '((∀ (X : Type) -> (∀ (P : (X -> Type)) -> ((¬ (∃ (x : X) (P x))) -> (∀ (x : X) -> (¬ (P x)))))) : Type)) (define answer1 '(? : not-exists-all-not)) (define exists-not-not-all '((∀ (X : Type) -> (∀ (P : (X -> Type)) -> ((∃ (x : X) (¬ (P x))) -> (¬ (∀ (x : X) -> (P x)))))) : Type)) (define answer2 '(? : exists-not-not-all)) (define not-pointwise-not-equal '(∀ (A : Type) (B : Type) (f : (A -> B)) (g : (A -> B)) -> ((∃ (x : A) (¬ ((f x) = (g x)))) -> (¬ (f = g))))) (define answer3 '(? : not-pointwise-not-equal))