userver-0.3.0: o Released August 1, 2003 userver-0.3.1: o Released August 25, 2003 o TBB - Modified some comparisons of sd (socket descriptor) with FD_SETSIZE o TBB - Added new option, --version to print version of the server o TBB - Print ifconfig info on Linux (for experimental config info e.g., txqueuelen) o TBB - Print /proc/cpuinfo on Linux (for experimental config info) o TBB - Added stats for ListenOverflows and ListenDrops from /proc/net/netstat o TBB - Fixed glitch in getting args for --full-read o TBB - Use full path now for ifconfig o TBB - Added code to track replies per cache entry userver-0.3.2: o Released October 3, 2003 o TBB - cleaned up select_loop, poll_loop, epoll_loop, send_loop to use more common code. o TBB - added some of the test scripts and httperf log file generator code to the distribution o TBB - cleaned up, commented and added usage for the scripts in the scripts directory o TBB - updated the README in the scripts directory o TBB - fixed incorrect closing of connections for special escape uri's o DP - Added some code to optimize transfer of zero-byte file. o DP - Added some code to trace accept, read, write, close, and reply rates at the server side (uses special escape uri's) o TBB - Used inet_pton instead of inet_aton on Solaris o TBB - Added docs (test files) directory to the distribution userver-0.3.3: o Released October 9, 2003 o TBB - adding code to allow server to listen on multiple interfaces/sockets NOTE!: this isn't quite working yet with the SEND kernel code o TBB - added some simple regression testing to Makefile (see test*: targets in the Makefile) NOTE: requires httperf o TBB - added include directory to the distribution to show examples of how to compile with larger FD_SETSIZE o TBB - changed the way the --version flag works (thanks to Ian Wienand ) for pointing out the problem. o TBB - added some code to support "special" sockets, i.e., those that should not be treated like regular client connections. These might be back end processors like another server, an external CGI or PHP process, etc.