userver-0.3.0: o Released August 1, 2003 userver-0.3.1: o Released August 25, 2003 o TBB - Modified some comparisons of sd (socket descriptor) with FD_SETSIZE o TBB - Added new option, --version to print version of the server o TBB - Print ifconfig info on Linux (for experimental config info e.g., txqueuelen) o TBB - Print /proc/cpuinfo on Linux (for experimental config info) o TBB - Added stats for ListenOverflows and ListenDrops from /proc/net/netstat o TBB - Fixed glitch in getting args for --full-read o TBB - Use full path now for ifconfig o TBB - Added code to track replies per cache entry userver-0.3.2: o Released October 3, 2003 o TBB - cleaned up select_loop, poll_loop, epoll_loop, send_loop to use more common code. o TBB - added some of the test scripts and httperf log file generator code to the distribution o TBB - cleaned up, commented and added usage for the scripts in the scripts directory o TBB - updated the README in the scripts directory o TBB - fixed incorrect closing of connections for special escape uri's o DP - Added some code to optimize transfer of zero-byte file. o DP - Added some code to trace accept, read, write, close, and reply rates at the server side (uses special escape uri's) o TBB - Used inet_pton instead of inet_aton on Solaris o TBB - Added docs (test files) directory to the distribution