At the beginning of each term we will hold exam viewing sessions for ISG-supported courses to respond to students' requests of viewing their exams from the previous term. If your course is not supported by ISG, you must contact the course instructor directly to view your exam.

Our final exams are primarily diagnostic tools for evaluating how well the course material was learned and understood at the end of term and are not intended as learning tools. As such, solutions are not provided for exam viewing. 

Please review Exam viewing rules before attending.


Viewing Winter 2024 Exams
Date Time Location
Tuesday, May 7 12:30pm - 3:30pm MC 4065
Wednesday, May 8 12:30pm - 3:30pm  MC 4065
Thursday, May 9 9:30 am - 12:30pm MC 4044
Monday, May 13 1:30pm - 3:30pm MC 4044
Tuesday, May 14 9:30 am - 11:30am MC 4044
Wednesday, May 15 12:30pm - 2:00pm MC 4044

Updated 4/15/2024

The schedule is subject to change; please check back closer to the viewing dates to confirm the date, time, and location of each viewing.

Accomodations for co-op students

If you are unable to view your exam the term right after it was written (e.g. are out of the KW region for co-op), you are able to view your exam in the next two terms (within a year of writing the exam). 

To do so, you must contact the appropriate Instructional Support Coordinator (ISC) within a month of the final exam with the following information:

  • your student information (student ID number, WATIAM, etc.)
  • why you are unable to attend exam viewing at the beginning of the next term
  • which future term you intend to view your exam

If you do not contact the ISC within a month of the exam as above, you can view your exam within a year but cannot submit a remark request; your grade will not be changed. When you attend the exam viewing session, indicate to the proctor that you will be viewing a course from a different term. 

Exam viewing rules

  • Bring your WatCard (preferable) or other photo ID.
  • There is no registration required for exam viewing; it is done on a first-come first-serve basis.
    • Only a few students will be allowed to view their exam at a time; you may have to wait.
    • The viewing time may be limited to up to 15 minutes for each student if necessary for accommodating the volume of requests.
  • You may view your own exam only. The exam assesses your knowledge and understanding of the course material – not someone else’s.
  • Scrap paper may be provided upon request but this paper must not leave the room. You may not copy/take pictures of the exam or any parts thereof, including your answer(s).
  • The person supervising the viewing cannot answer course specific questions or questions about the marking of the exam.

Exam Remark Requests

Remark request forms are provided at the viewing for the purposes of appealing the marking of questions. 

  • When a remark is requested, we may re-examine questions other than those reported on the remark form to make sure there are no other marking errors. 
  • Marking errors may raise or lower your mark or result in no overall change.
  • Specific questions and reasoning for the request must be given on the form – stating “I want this question re-marked” is not specific enough.

Note that it may take anywhere between a few days and a few weeks to process a remark request. The ISC/instructor will contact you directly when changes are made. 

If you have additional questions after receiving the re-mark result please refer to Policy 70.


Contact Daniel Huab for inquiries relating to the exam viewing schedule or procedures. 

Contact your ISC for inquiries relating to updates about your remark request or grade changes.