MFCF Services for CSCF


When MFCF was split to form CSCF and the current MFCF, it was deemed impractical to assign either of the

to CSCF, given that their work was very specific to the MC building.
Furthermore, it was understood that their work was required to support both MFCF and CSCF, and that there wasn't sufficient staff to duplicate that work. In recognition of that, it was agreed that both staff members would remain in MFCF, and support both MFCF and CSCF. In exchange, CSCF seconded a senior software specialist position to MFCF for a fixed period, with renewal on a regular basis should each group be satisfied with the solution. It was understood that the secondment was complete, in that the position was sited within and managed by MFCF, funded by CSCF.

Since then, it has been understood that an ongoing secondment is not a practical form of compensation for services.

The Agreement

It is agreed that MFCF will continue to run the Math Faculty Help Centre, and provide photo classlists as before. Other services formerly provided by MFCF to CSCF will be provided by CSCF.

In return, CSCF will provide ongoing financial compensation, starting in the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Financial compensation for the 2007-2008 year will be provided by the Dean's Office, given that the expense isn't present in the CSCF 2007-2008 budget,

Initial compensation will be based upon this 2007 analysis:

Help Centre 1.5 hours/day
Photo Classlists 11 hours/term
Management of Lori 1 hour/week
Loading Factor
Total $11,627.38/year
where Loading Factor is
TotalMFCFStaffOverhead / TotalMFCFStaffSalary
where TotalMFCFStaffOverhead is the UW standard staff overhead for MFCF, currently defined as
(NumberOfStaff * $3,000 + $10,000)

It is understood that

The Services - Details

Help Centre Management

Some current examples are what is required to run the Help Centre are:

Photo Classlists

Photo classlists are created twice each term for instructors of (CS) courses. They are delivered to instructors via campus mail.