NACHOS Testing Tips

Remember that when it comes to testing three things should
come to mind and should be explained to the reader of the tests:
   1) What is the expected output?
   2) What is the observed output?
   3) Is the observed output the same as the expected output?
      Why and/or why not?
Here are some general rules of thumb that you should consider
when designing, implementing and running your test programs.
Some parts of this document apply more to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th assignments
than the 1st but it should help you to understand what I'm looking
for when it comes to testing.

1) Think about the person you are trying to demonstrate your
   program too and what type of and how much information they
   will want to see regarding your testing (i.e., think about
   the marker).

   For example, pretend that your are the project leader working in a
   large company. Once a month there is a large meeting of technical
   staff in which each of the project leaders has 10 mintues to give
   a status report on their project. This means that you have 10
   minutes to demonstrate using the output of your test programs what
   parts of your project do and do not work correctly.

2) Be smart about your testing. If the test program is more than
   3 or 4 pages long it is likely too long. If the output produced
   from running the program is more than 2 or 3 pages the test
   program is probably not designed very well. Think about the
   number of different things that need to be tested and how
   much time it will take to look at the output.

3) The source for the test programs should be clear, consise,
   and documented with comments about what the program does 
   and expected return values for system calls.

4) The test program should be bug free. Take some time when
   writing the test program to ensure that it is correct. Too
   often people waste a bunch of time trying to fix their system 
   when in fact the system is fine but there is a bug in the
   test program (or they misunderstand how the test works or the
   return values that are expected).

5) Output a simple message if the tests fail or succeed.
   Better yet only print output if unexpected results are obtained
   and when the program ends.

6) Someone should be able to spend about 1 minute looking at the 
   output of each test program to determine
   whether all of the tests in the program failed or succeeded.

7) Use multiple test programs to test different aspects of your system.

8) Test special cases. Ideally a production quality Operating System
   should be completely bullet proof (not that many really are :-).
   No user program, even malicious ones, should be able to crash
   the system.  In this course your system doesn't have to be that strong
   but there should not GLARING holes (that you haven't already pointed out).

9) Check the return values of function and system calls. That is check that
   the call has completed successfully - if it has not handle the error

   You should check return values in your test programs as well as in your
   operating system!

Updated: September 30, 1996